Monday, July 13, 2009

dream job.

so a few weeks ago i was looking for a job for my sista. and i noticed a job posting that seemed right up my ally. so i applied. without thinking twice since i've applied to hundreds or maybe thousands of jobs in the last few months.

one thing leads to another and guess who gets the job.
yep, yours truly, Paulette Hailey Hood.
so i am happy as a lark and proceed to send a mass text to all my close friends and fam (if you didn't recieve the text you know where you stand);


well... i sent the text a moment TOO soon. i am a cotton candy girl. you guessed it. "event manager" my big toe. i run a concession stand. hahahaha. so funny. but that is ok. i'm still working at the bank. i can't tell you which one. i'll get fired. it's against ol' P&P. but i'm still looking for other options.
then i got this little side job as a carni.

seriously. i laugh my face off when i think of it.

but... the good news is... Katy J. Hood aka JOYCE is my assistant. you guessed it. just like the days of SnoShack, we're at it again. i don't think REAL Salt Lake could have picked a better pair.

thought you should know.
pictures are coming.
don't you worry.


us said...

Cant wait for pics. Im a tad bummed I never got the textie.

Jenelle said...

I didn't get that text! Guess I know where I stand. C'mon Sista!!! I bet Madi got that text, I'll have to check her phone. Sorry it turned out not to be your dream job. Someday...

PK and Doll said...

Goose...will you be there for Kenny Chesneys concert next week?