Tuesday, April 21, 2009

school pride.

so school is sorta stressing me out. i guess this is how every "end of the semester" is. just a lot of hurry up and put this together. but that is my bad and not schools.

today is tuesday.

thursday is my last day of class.

but i honestly have spent an enitre week doing nothing but studying.


sometimes brynne and i make time for important things though.
[notice how we both have school pride]
we wore the same thing on st. pattys day.
what a coincidence

mostly we just take 15 minutes to eat breakfast/lunch.

as you can tell i didn't take 15 minutes to do my makeup.


bling is the best.

aint she?

another funny point to all of this.

we have classes right next door to eachother
24 and 23

we didn't know until a month into the semester.


trudy...{and jamo} said...

school is stressing me too! ugh!!!!!

Jenelle said...

Ahh, UVU. Count me in on the school pride. Good times. Good times.

brynne frei said...

love those pics! love uv. love graduating in DECEMBER!

Heidi Madsen said...

you girls are the greatest!!!!!!!!