this is a shout out to my girlf b.
if you haven't had the opportunity to have brynne grace your presence.
you have been missing out.
bling and i became friends over im. she signed on to MJ's a lot.
so i took her up on the opportunity for late night chats.
from first glimpse i thought she was, in the words of meg sollis;
we had lots of slumber parties thanks to jelistika never being at raintree.
[i got a lot of boots on the honda]
we've rolled in the rolla' a lot.
down to the SG a few times.
thanks to cousin addie and memories from that trip.
we worked at the Oakcrest 2006. where we drank dr. pepper and fell in love with heidi anne. good thing brynney was always there to make me laugh. even when i wasn't being the best ad.

so far.
so good.
-short hair.
-financial institution.
-short lived dream of the yellow house.
-honda parties
[she copied me, but really craig p. did]
now we have uvu breakfast parties.late night g-chats.
email fests from financial institutions.
hope your dreams come true today.
you're my fav.
thanks for always loving me so mucho.
no one better then the Burton girls.
omg. i don't think i have ever seen worse pictures of me in my life hahaha but i looove the shout out! thanks so much hai! love you so much girf and love our friendship lives.
Loved every minute of this. We love you too B!
Oh i just love brynne so much! and you too Hai! yay!
Love You! I really really DO!!!
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