Thursday, October 1, 2009

wedding is coming, the goose is getting fat please put a feather in the old man's hat.

hey O! a few lovely pictures. of me. the goose. and my groom, the little lamb.
we are getting married in 27 days.
i am extra excited. and almost ready with all of my big huge plans. just a few more items to check off the biggie list. but all is well in wedding land.


Blue Dragon said...

2 yous a person , very lovely .

Anonymous said...

Love it! You guys are the cutest! I always knew you were cute but you sure do pull of smoldering quite well...lovely pics.

*Aliese* said...

LOVE the pictures (I peaked at the whole shebang on Facebook). I'm pretty glad you're psyched for the nuptials; it's always exciting. :)

Kyle and Amanda said...

Lovely... is the only word that comes to my mind you look lovely in LOVE

Melissa said...

You are beautiful and your dress is AMAZING. I am happy for you!!
I am glad Nic did his report on NV.. Cause that is where I live now. Maybe he could come show you around town and then you could come visit me at my house!!

Heidi Madsen said...

...if you haven't got a pennie than a hey penny will do, if you haven't got a hey penny than god bless you!!!

hey woman!!! you are looking GOOD! and did you know my colors were white, black, bronze, and a little touch of red! love and miss ya